Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tending to the bees.

Erika and Bryon have a bee box on the roof at Ritual. Erika was nice enough to take me up there one day when she was checking on them. They were in the process of integrating two hives together. It's a pretty simple yet amazing process. You stack two boxes of hives on top of each other and separate them by a piece of paper with holes in it. By the time they eat through the paper, they have become one huge family. Erika was checking to see if there were any eggs since they hive had just chosen a new queen. There were none. She found out a few days later that they had killed her, so she is going around to other bee keepers to try to attain a more established queen. Which I hope happens soon, because there have been more than a few renegade hives swarming randomly up and down Valencia Street this month. I blame cell phones.

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